Is Uber legal in Australia?
The following information was updated in December 2016
This is a question that many people still ask today. The short answer is yes, Uber is legal in almost every Australian state and territory.
The confusion about the legalisation of Uber stems from the fact that each state has handled rideshare regulation very differently.
Check out our updates on Uber's legal status in each state.
Australian Capital Territory
ACT was the first Australian state to legalise Uber in October 2015.
The rideshare regulations in the ACT include background checks, car inspections, and insurance requirements.
New South Wales
NSW was the second Australian state to legalise ridesharing on the 17th of December 2015. Uber drivers were initially restricted from Sydney Airport, but recent changes mean that they can now pick up passengers from a designated pick up zone. NSW law requires Uber drivers to have criminal and car safety checks.
Western Australia
Western Australia became the third Australian state to legalise Uber, just one day after NSW.
A new licence category was created for Rideshare services.
Following a deal that allowed the Andrews government's lawmakers to deregulate the taxi/rideshare industry, Uber was legalised in Victoria in August 2017.
Ridesharing was legalised in QLD in September 2016, allowing Uber to grow its market share further by expanding into the Sunshine State.
South Australia
In April 2017, the South Australian government and Uber reached an agreement, making the rideshare provider fully accredited in Adelaide.
On Tuesday the 8th of November 2016, rideshare was legalised as the government exempted drivers from needing a special licence to carry paying passengers.
Uber officially launched in Hobart on Friday 2 December, with 70 driver-partners on board.
Northern Territory
Uber is not yet operating in the Northern Territory (NT), making Darwin the only Australian capital city that misses out on Uber.
Uber and the NT government are in discussions about launching the rideshare service, which is only likely to occur after conducting a review of the hire car industry in the state.
Early indications are that Uber launch in the Northern Territory in 2017.
About Splend
Splend makes car ownership easier, more affordable and more accessible for rideshare drivers by building everything they need to earn more, pay less and stress less into one affordable weekly payment.
It’s smooth driving, with no surprises and the lowest total ownership cost you’ll find – which is how car ownership for rideshare drivers should be. For more information about Splend, make an appointment and drop by to your local Splend Hub, email us or say hello on 1800 775 363.